The prohibition and criminalization of marijuana use does
more harm than good. But before I take a stance on legalizing the recreational
use of marijuana, it is most important to voice my support for the critical need for the legalization of medical
Doctors themselves have formed a national organization for
the legalization of marijuana under the name Doctors for Cannabis Regulation in
2016. The physicians say that “creating a legal and regulated marijuana market
is the best way to ensure public safety” (Ingraham, The Washington Post). The US Government Accountability Office noted the following conditions along with many others in their report "Descriptions of Allowable Conditions under State Medical Marijuana Laws": Alzheimer's Disease, HIV, Cancer, Epilepsy, AIDS, and many more. Marijuana is a much safer alternative to pharmaceuticals, to relieve chronic pain associated with these illnesses. Also, with medical cannabis, patients can reap the benefits of managing their symptoms without having to worry about addiction, overdose or, serious side effects that aren't worth the risk of pharmaceutical drugs.
Legalization can help societies as a whole. If medical marijuana were legalized, governments would be able to ensure that patients are receiving safe cannabis and would not have to risk the probable dangers of engaging in the exchange of black market cannabis. Additionally, they could effectively "control doses, track its use on a large scale, and place taxes on its sale in order to increase government profits" (Medical Marijuana Association). Legalization would also reduce the regulations on research so that we have more scientific studies on the subject, leading to a more firm grasp of its health benefits as a medical prescription.