Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Privatiza- AHHHH!

In my colleague's blog, "What Would American's Do?", Ronnie Medrano addresses the call for U.S. veterans to receive free health care due to the physical and psychological impact on a person from serving their country. Although I fully agree with Medrano who served in the U.S Navy for five years, the word "free" scares some people and will require steps to achieving this goal of health care for all veterans.
The first step, in my opinion, would be the privatization of health care for individuals that served this country. That being said, a question to consider: why in the world are we denying care from qualified private providers when those on Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare can? According to the New York Times, even the Veterans Health Administration's direct employees "enjoy a vast array of private health care and coverage options that are denied to the veterans they ostensibly serve" (Avik Roy, Veterans Should Enjoy the Same Health Care Options as All Americans). The privatization health care for veterans is nothing to be scared of, the Department of Veterans Affairs would improve from public resources, and providing the option for individuals who served this country the option to receive care from high-quality, private sources is a win-win. 

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